Hello everyone. One of my personal blessings during the last decade was the opportunity to get to know and share an amazing amount of time with a remarkable human being, my dear friend and brother, Master David Cook.
Master David was one of those special and unique human beings that the Universe places in our path to make us better individuals.
Since we knew about each other, we develop a mutual respect and admiration. And our “marriage” as friends, Leather brothers, and partners in our educational endeavors under MTTA went underway very fast.
When I realized what Master David was bringing to the table, I literally jumped on him and bring him aboard, first as a presenter at MsC and immediately after as a part-time faculty member of the Academy and since 2009, full time as a Senior Counselor. The impact that Master David had in the students of the Academy – many of whom are here today – was immeasurable. He had that amazing love for helping other people, to make a difference, to touch other people hearts, to help people to heal.
The same way that Butchmanns had its three amigos in their leadership, MTTA Academy had its own triumvirate with Master David, Lady Lynette and myself. It saddens me that I am the only one left, although I keep being inspired from beyond by both of them.
I never have seen anyone in my our community with that devotion to help others. He used – day in and day out – his assets of being around for more than half century in our Leather and Master/slave community, his experience as a career military man and his education as a psychologist, in service to his fellow kinksters. I am sure that many of you gathered here today to remember him, do remember the times in which you sought out Master David and he was always ready to help. I know because I was one of them. He always was a phone call away to help me and my slaves in any way he could.
MTTA, MAsT International and our Master/slave community will be in debt to Master David and we will miss him dearly.
In a personal level, I have a deep appreciation for what he did for me. We became Leather brothers and then we became more than that. We become real brothers. I talked a lot with Master David about the lack of a relationship with my older and only blood brother. My own older brother hate and despise me since I was born and as an adult for who I was. I have not seen him since my mother died more than five years ago, and I don’t think I will see him again in my life.
Master David took upon himself to be my brother, not only my Leather brother, but to be the older brother I missed to have. And he did a remarkable job. I felt his love, his compassion and his caring as my brother.
On July 5th, I lost my real brother. I lost Master David.
To finalize this eulogy to my brother, let me tell you about my last moments with him. On Friday, June 30th, slave paul and I were driving north to New jersey where I was going to be teaching at TESFest. I arranged with Master David to stop by his home and spend some time together. When I called him at 9 AM and found out he was sleeping. He answered the phone but as soon as I realized ha was still in bed, I told him to go back to sleep and I will stop by another day. Within an hour, he called me back. He wanted to make sure that I was stopping by his home. We did and had a wonderful time talking about our journeys, our brotherhood, our times together, how MTTA has grown to be the organization that is today. When we were departing, we hugged and kissed as we always did. Never imagined that was the last hug and the last kiss to my brother.
When Master Mary called me five days later to tell me he was gone, I remembered him calling me back that Friday morning to make sure that I stopped by and we can share times one more time. I think he knew his time was close.
I have lost a brother who happened to me one of the most remarkable human beings I have met in my 66 years of my life.
Thanks Master David for being you. Thanks for your love. Thanks for your brotherhood. I love you and I will miss you all my life. Brothers forever.